Portal Mobile Site

The Task:

Redesign the mobile site for a company (Name has been changed). This includes visual and interaction improvements.

I do not have permission to give the company’s original design.

The prototype can be interacted with here: https://xd.adobe.com/view/a5e7b5f0-9298-417b-8cec-db8c282c66df-f0b4/

What needs improvement

The original company site was very crowded. There was a lot of information to be included, but space was not utilized well. Everything looked like giant paragraphs. The company colors were not implemented well.

The Solution

  • Maintaining brand identity by implementing the company colors more

  • Utilizing the use of cards to present information in a neater way

  • Working with the size and font to present all the information clearer, giving the user an easier time reading


Home Page

  • My redesign included a light and dark version to make the site more accessible to users by giving them a viewing mode option.

  • The information begins with “Getting started” as the very first card seen upon scrolling. It introduces tutorials and then moves into introducing product features.

  • Right away there is more of the company colors scene in this site.


Create an App Page

This section is where apps the user has created can be accessed. Here they can edit or publish their app and create a new one.



Here the templates for making an app can be found and accessed.



In this FAQ page, commonly asked questions and solutions are given. At the top, there is an option to fill out the contact form which overlays over the page.


Urban Ritual Mobile Menu