Urban Ritual

The Problem:

Boba Milk Tea is one of the most popular cravings today. However there are always many choices to choose from and customers often are left being indecisive and confused.

Prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/b904ea00-8428-446e-96aa-a7884e6c87cf-ec57/

Company Desktop Site

This is the company’s website that was used as a reference for the app design.


Colors and Character Styles

Using the company site for references, this is the color scheme and character styles that maintain the company’s brand identity. The company colors are black and gold.


The Solution

The goal is to create a mobile ordering experience that tailors the products to customers’ preferences. In doing so, there will be a smoother ordering experience because they will be assisted in choosing the right drink for them.

Drop Down Menu

Choose Your Preferences

Whether customers are a regular at Urban Ritual or completely new, this feature will help narrow down their cravings. There are a lot of drinks to choose from and this will help make the tough decisions.

Suggestions Page

Afterwards, users are brought to a suggestions page. Suggestions are made based on the preferences the user chose. Users can click on a product to know more information.

Full Menu

If the user decides that they want to see all the drinks the store has to offer then just press “show me everything”

Screenshot (18).png

Portal Mobile Site


Portfolio Site