Job Track App
The Problem:
With manufacturing and machining companies, everything becomes a mess when it comes to keeping track of inventory and seeing what employees worked on certain jobs. That information is hard to find all in one place. Some companies have not moved information digitally and therefore have to deal with the burden of searching through numerous files just to find a single piece of information. The process of manually writing down and filing is extremely tedious.
Job Track helps to keep this information all in one place. This includes invoices, photos of the part, inventory, and can also be used as a clocking in/out system. The best part is every employee can access this information easily as long as they have the app on their phones. There is no need to walk around the work place so much when they need to clock in/out or search for information. Production and work flow in manufacturing in machining companies can be improved because there is no time wasted.
Clock in/out system
Take photos of inventory
Keep track of inventory
Search for in progress jobs and details. Know who worked on the same job as you and when.
Try it here:
High Fidelity Wireframe
Start Page
Users are able to pick which action they would like to perform every time they enter the app.
Clock In/Out
Easily log hours with the start/end job feature. When starting/ending a job, employees can specify which action they are performing. (packaging, inspection, etc)
Important Files
For each, you can upload and view important documents such as the inventory, invoice, and the activity that has been done.
Keep track of how much of each part there is. Photos can be uploaded if needed.
Activity Log
View the activity done for a specific job and search through all the jobs. You can filter out completed jobs if needed or just search for the specific job number.